Edlyn Cardoza
Know your Important & Tiny Local Indigenous Bees
People generally use the term ‘bee’ for any buzzing flying body. But not all buzzing creatures are bees - they could be a bumblebee, or a wasp, or a fly or a honeybee. It might come as a shock to you, but there are over 20,000 distinct bee species all across the world and not all of them are honey bees. This includes solitary species such as carpenter bees, leafcutter bees and mason bees and social bees such as honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees. We might not have to remember all 20,000 species, but we can and should distinguish between...
Vijaya Pastala
This 2019, Get Sweet & Healthy Like Honey!
You know how the resolution stage goes: You buy new cookbooks, get that gym membership, buy blackout shades so you can get quality sleep, and take all the relevant steps to prep you for making your healthy commitment happen.
Vijaya Pastala
Earth Day 2019
Imagine living in a world without flowers or fruit or coffee or chocolate cake and strawberry ice cream. Imagine if all you could get on your pizza – is corn and mushrooms.
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